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“The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality.”
– Andrew Solomon

Vitality is something we can create, mold, and we can measure.

Vitality is a fancy word for “energy” and if you have ever been depressed, you know that energy, among other experiences, is something that is lacking.

Did you know that depression is the number 1 disability in the State of Georgia?

That means there are more people on disability in the State of Georgia with some form of depression than ANY OTHER DISABILITY.

Depression is not only a problem for Georgia, but it is also an epidemic in this country.

I can go on for days about how prevalent it is. What this means is…

You are not alone!

Depression manifests differently in all of us.

For some people, depression appears as sadness with lots of tears.

For some people, depression brings numbness and a lack of emotion.

For others, depression makes them tired all the time, while still others can’t sleep at all.

Its symptoms can be so vague! It’s important to work with someone who recognizes depression for what it is and can help.

Depression doesn’t discriminate.

It shows up in all cultures, across all races, genders, socio economic strati.

It can be relentless and can bleed into all other areas of our life- spiritually, socially, emotionally, professionally, etc.

We know what to do.

It is important that if you are depressed, you work with someone who understands depression and its complexities.

At Petrichor Counseling, LLC, our therapists have decades of experience recognizing and treating depression. They understand its insidious nature, its resistance, its devastating effects.

And they know what to do.

Are you struggling and think you might be experiencing depression?

Call us, (470) 736-9595, and make an appointment today with our experts.

Therapists specializing in depression:

 Mari I. Mars, MS, LPC, NCC

Jennifer Hama, MS, LPC, CPCS





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